WMFS Incident Data since April 2009
Lists all incidents attended by WMFS within WMFS boundaries since April 2009 until the latest full financial year. Please see file "description of titles" for an explanation of... -
Training dataset
Synthetic data for Power BI training. Of no use. All data is fabricated. Phone numbers are randomly generated. -
Birmingham Geography Data Model
Files relating to geography such as postcode lookups, geography conversion. Data is taken from the Office of National Statistics Open Geography Portal. -
Veterans - Census 2021
This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in Birmingham by whether or not they have previously served in the UK armed forces. The estimates are... -
Birmingham Household Characteristics - Census 2021
ONS Census 2021 Household Characteristics data relating to Birmingham: Total Households, Household Composition, Household Size, Living Arrangements, Partnership Status Census... -
Households by Deprivation Dimensions - Census 2021
This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify households in England and Wales by four dimensions of deprivation: Employment, education, health and disability, and... -
Energy and climate change: evidence and analysis - greenhouse gas emissions
Dataset containing UK local authority and regional estimates of greenhouse gas emissions. This dataset provide a breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions across the UK, using... -
Energy and climate change: evidence and analysis - total final energy consump...
Estimates of total final energy consumption from 2005 to 2020 at country, region and local authority level. -
Local Child Poverty Rates After Housing Costs
End Child Poverty Coalition and the Centre for Research in Social Policy at Loughborough University. Figures are based on the Department for Work and Pensions Children in low... -
Income Deprivation affecting Children Index (IDACI)
Based on the IMD income domain, the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) measures the proportion of all children aged 0 to 15 living in income deprived families.... -
Birmingham Components of Change (Mid Year Population Estimates)
ONS Mid-Year Population Estimates showing components of change. There are three components of change: births, deaths, and migration. The change in the population from births and... -
Indices of Deprivation (IMD) 2019
This contains IMD 2019 data for Birmingham. The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) is the official measure of relative deprivation in England and is part of a suite of outputs... -
Birmingham Migration - Census 2021
Migration-related data from Census 2021: Short-term residents, Age of Arrival, Migrant Indicator, Country of Birth, Passports Held -
ONS Mid Year Population Estimates 2001-2020
ONS Mid Year Population estimates from mid-2001 to mid-2020, featuring national, West Midlands region and county, and Birmingham local authority level. -
Birmingham Total Population - Census 2021
This section will include Census 2021 total population data, including by sex and age, for Birmingham at local authority level. -
Financial Resilience
The financial resilience Power BI dashboard ranks the relative financial resilience of Birmingham's 69 wards from 1 (Least Resilient) to 5 (Most Resilient). The overall ward... -
Birmingham City Council Housing Data
Birmingham City Council Housing Stock as of June 2022. This contains: Property Type Sheltered Accommodation Number of Properties Number of Bedrooms Ward Constituency Completed... -
On Street CCTV Camera Location
Birmingham City Council owned and managed CCTV Cameras.This is a response to FOI enquiry number FOI10235 -
Planning Applications - Weekly List of Received Applications
In addition to Planning Online, we provide a weekly list of planning applications received in csv format. This is an extract of the Planning Online Statutory Register. Full...