Procurement Information - Details of contracts awarded by Birmingham City Cou...
Details of contracts awarded by Birmingham City Council for goods and services with a value that exceeds £5,000 -
Payments to Suppliers over 500
At Birmingham we are committed to making our finances clear, so that everyone can see exactly how we are spending money. As part of our commitment to providing financial... -
Training dataset
Synthetic data for Power BI training. Of no use. All data is fabricated. Phone numbers are randomly generated. -
Birmingham City Council Property Data
The attached report lists the Council's property assets, but excludes social housing and operational public highways -
Annual internal migration origin and destination by age group
Origin and destination datasets show the movement of people from one location to another, this is sometimes referred to as flows of people. The data shows flows of people... -
Energy and climate change: evidence and analysis - greenhouse gas emissions
Dataset containing UK local authority and regional estimates of greenhouse gas emissions. This dataset provide a breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions across the UK, using... -
Low carbon technologies - Regional Renewable Statistics
The following dataset shows a variety of renewable electricity data for the devolved administrations and the regions of England. The tables show a variety of renewable... -
Energy and climate change: evidence and analysis - total final energy consump...
Estimates of total final energy consumption from 2005 to 2020 at country, region and local authority level. -
Energy and climate change: evidence and analysis - Road transport consumption
Dataset concerning road transport energy consumption in the UK at regional and local authority level. This dataset contains UK sub-national (regional and local authority) level... -
Energy and climate change: evidence and analysis - Residual fuel consumption
Dataset provides estimates of energy consumption at a regional and local authority level for non-gas, non-electricity and non-road transport from 2005 to 2020. Residual fuels... -
July 2022 Payments to Suppliers
At Birmingham we are committed to making our finances clear, so that everyone can see exactly how we are spending money. As part of our commitment to providing financial... -
June 2022 Payments to Suppliers
At Birmingham we are committed to making our finances clear, so that everyone can see exactly how we are spending money. As part of our commitment to providing financial... -
May 2022 Payments to Suppliers
At Birmingham we are committed to making our finances clear, so that everyone can see exactly how we are spending money. As part of our commitment to providing financial... -
April 2022 Payments to Suppliers
At Birmingham we are committed to making our finances clear, so that everyone can see exactly how we are spending money. As part of our commitment to providing financial... -
March 2022 Payments to Suppliers
At Birmingham we are committed to making our finances clear, so that everyone can see exactly how we are spending money. As part of our commitment to providing financial... -
The Annual Education Performance Report 2019
The Annual Education Performance Report is an in depth report analysing the 2019 attainment outcomes of young people across Birmingham. The report covers analysis from across... -
Financial Resilience
The financial resilience Power BI dashboard ranks the relative financial resilience of Birmingham's 69 wards from 1 (Least Resilient) to 5 (Most Resilient). The overall ward... -
Birmingham City Council spend on Utilities
Shows Birmingham City Council Spend on Gas, Electricity and Water. NB the Gas and Electricity Spend is before VAT (The Water spend is Zero rated) -
Voluntary and Community Sector Funding Information
The voluntary and Community sector funding report contains details of funding payments BCC has made to voluntary and community sector organisations. Updates will be published on... -
Birmingham City Council Agency Spend
Shows Birmingham City Council Spend on Agency Staff -
Rail travel and accommodation costs
Shows Travel spend with our Contracted supplier Click Travel and our previous supplier Redfern Travel. This spend is for both Officers and Councillors and includes rail travel... -
Taxi Spend
Shows Council spend on taxis excluding Home To School Transport