Purchase Card Transactions
Under the Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency, councils are encouraged to publish all corporate purchase card transactions. We already... -
Corporate Performance
The Corporate Performance and Delivery Plan was approved by Cabinet in November 2022 as a framework for reporting performance and delivery against the Corporate Plan 2022-2026... -
Procurement Information - Details of contracts awarded by Birmingham City Cou...
Details of contracts awarded by Birmingham City Council for goods and services with a value that exceeds £5,000 -
Trade Union facility time data for the period 2023-24
This data contains details of Trade Union Facility time for the period 2023-2024 and covers reporting requirements for the Data Transparency Code 2015. Appendix C This provides... -
Payments to Suppliers over 500
At Birmingham we are committed to making our finances clear, so that everyone can see exactly how we are spending money. As part of our commitment to providing financial... -
Libraries Needs Assessment Appendix
Comprehensive Review Data: The following table provides details of the 35 council-run Community Libraries against each of the criteria considered within the comprehensive review... -
Shaping Birminghams Future Together 2024
What we know about our city – evidence from data and recent surveys -
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
The JSNA is a statutory duty of the Health and Wellbeing Board. It is an assessment of the current and future health and social care needs of the people of Birmingham, to inform... -
Analysing diabetes, deprivation and ethnicity among NHS health check attendee...
Type 2 diabetes is prevalent in the UK, accounting for approximately 90% of all diabetes cases among adults. With approximately 3.8 million individuals currently affected in... -
Wider Determinants of Birth Outcomes in Birmingham and Solihull
Details on what increases the risk of diabetes and adverse pregnancy outcomes for Birmingham and Solihull. -
Birmingham JSON Topology Shape Files
Topographical shape files in the JSON format. Suitable for Power BI Shape Map visuals and other compatible mapping applications -
Birmingham City Council Property Data
The attached report lists the Council's property assets, but excludes social housing and operational public highways -
Ward Profiles 2020
This Ward Profile bring together data from a wide range of sources to enable a richer understanding of local areas. -
Trade Union facility time data for the period 2022-23
This data contains details of Trade Union Facility time for the period 2022-2023 and covers reporting requirements for the Data Transparency Code 2015. Appendix C This provides... -
Annual internal migration origin and destination by age group
Origin and destination datasets show the movement of people from one location to another, this is sometimes referred to as flows of people. The data shows flows of people... -
Life expectancy
Datasets and reports relating to life expectancy for citizens in and around Birmingham. -
Unemployment update
Birmingham Claimant Count Unemployment Monthly Updates -
Public Health Community Services Dashboard
The Public Health Community Services Dashboard is a product of the Knowledge, Evidence, and Governance team in the Public Health Division of Birmingham City Council. It has been... -
Birmingham Household Characteristics - Census 2021
ONS Census 2021 Household Characteristics data relating to Birmingham: Total Households, Household Composition, Household Size, Living Arrangements, Partnership Status Census... -
Households by Deprivation Dimensions - Census 2021
This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify households in England and Wales by four dimensions of deprivation: Employment, education, health and disability, and... -
Energy and climate change: evidence and analysis - greenhouse gas emissions
Dataset containing UK local authority and regional estimates of greenhouse gas emissions. This dataset provide a breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions across the UK, using... -
Trade Union (TU) facility time data for the period 2016/17
This data contains details of the ~ Total number of staff who are TU reps, headcount & FTE ~ TU reps who spend 50% and above on TU duties ~ A basic estimate of spending on... -
Trade Union (TU) Facility Time Data for the period 2019-20
This data contains details of Trade Union Facility time for the period 2019-2020, and covers reporting requirements for the Transparency Code and the Trade Union (Facility Time... -
Trade Union (TU) Facility Time Data for the period 2018-19
This data contains details of Trade Union Facility time for the period 2018-2019, and covers reporting requirements for the Transparency Code and the Trade Union (Facility Time... -
Trade Union (TU) Facility Time Data for the period 2021
This data contains details of Trade Union Facility time for the period 2021-2021 and covers reporting requirements for the Data Transparency Code and the Trade Union (Facility...