Birmingham Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Dashboards: Children and Young People

February 1, 2024

We are pleased to introduce the Children and Young People JSNA dashboards


These dashboards, together with summary documents, present a comprehensive overview of the health and wellbeing, including the protective and risk factors, of children and young people in Birmingham. 

The purpose of these dashboards is to support evidence-led decision making in the city. Here we outline the structure of the information to help you explore the content.


These dashboards sit alongside the working age adult dashboard and older adult dashboard and summary that have been previously published, as well as the more in-depth profiles and deep dives that together make up the JSNA for Birmingham. 


We very much hope that you find the products useful. If you have any feedback please contact


Children and Young people dashboards and reports 
There are five dashboards, each with a pdf summary. These are:
•    Children and young people: Conception to Birth (dashboard / summary
•    Children and young people: Starting Well (0-5y) (dashboard / summary)
•    Children and young people: School Years (dashboard / summary)
•    Children and young people: Vulnerabilities (dashboard / summary)
•    Children and young people: Older Teenagers and Young Adults (publication pending)


The dashboards are interactive and tips on navigating the content can be found on the navigation pane in each dashboard. 


Each dashboard provides a detailed overview of key indicators, bringing together data that is publicly available alongside local data and added local interpretation and context.


The summary pdf document provides an overview of the information contained in the dashboard. These aim to provide a simple and quick way to understand the key information. 


Background to the JSNA

Birmingham City Council has a statutory duty, through the Health and Wellbeing Board, to produce the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. 


Overall, the JSNA is an assessment of the current and future health and social care needs of the people of Birmingham; to inform local organisations enabling them to plan services for the future, including informing the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. 


The JSNA has been developed by Public Health but very much in partnership through the JSNA Steering Committee which includes Adults Social Care, Birmingham Childrens Trust, Children and Families Directorate and relevant wider Public Health and Council Teams as well as Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care Board and voluntary sector representation.


Author: Jenny Riley - Service Lead (Knowledge) - Partnership, Insight and Prevention